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Institution-wide access

What’s on offer?

  • Unlimited online access for all staff through one single subscription
  • Daily audio podcasts and interviews with  tertiary education professionals
  • Multiple news articles uploaded daily
  • Easily accessible with no login required

With over half of Australian Universities and several TAFE Institutions already on board, why miss out any longer?

Please email [email protected] to find out more


  1. I assume Univ of Melbourne is a subscriber – how do I access this subscription (I am an academic staff member)

    • I hope someone informed you back in June 2017, but if not go to your Uni Library site and look in the catalogue for the online version and log in with your staff username and password

  2. Hi,
    Can you tell me if University of Adelaide has institution-wide access to Campus review?
    Thanks in advance

  3. Hi ,

    Does Swinburne University have institution-wide access to Campus review?

  4. Can you please advise is Charles Darwin University has institution-wide access to Campus review?

    • Hi Jason, we are just checking that and will be in contact shortly. Kind regards, Campus Review

      • Hi again Jason, please contact Daniel O’Melia at [email protected] to sort out this issue. He mentions CDU does not have a IP-wide uni subscription, but maybe it can be remedied.

        Kind regards,

        Campus Review

  5. Katherine Kuzma

    Would you be able to check if USQ has a university wide subscription? If so could you provide me details of this?

  6. Does Griffith University subscribe?

  7. Hi,

    Does Monash University have a current institution wide subscription?

  8. Can you please provide a list of all the Universities that do subscribe.

  9. Does UWA have institution wide access?

  10. Does the University of Tasmania have institution-wide subscription?

  11. Geoffrey Campbell

    Is ANU a CR subscriber? When I first land on your Campus Review webpage I get a popup box to select from all universities in Australia, except ANU which is not among them.

  12. My understanding is JCU has a sitewide subscription, but it never used to work of campus, now I’ve added it as an allocated resource in OpenAthens – but I still can’t access full text of articles off campus.

    What’s going on?

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